



     This year your child will have the opportunity to build mathematic concepts through real life experiences.  Mathematics is incorporated into many everyday classroom routines.  A few examples are as follows:  The Calendar; Question of the Day Graphs; Signing in; Counting the days of school; Math Stories and Music.  Concepts will be introduced in whole group as well as small group instruction.  Students will apply and extend what has been introduced through independent and cooperative work at a variety of math centers.  After students have had ample opportunity to build concepts through manipulating objects they will be encouraged to record their work by writing and drawing.  This approach to mathematics stresses understanding and concept development, rather than rote memorization and repetitive arithmetic drills.  Most of the learning occurs as your child works in the centers making personal discoveries and building mathematical concepts.  (I am very excited about our math program, Texas Math.  ***) My goal is for each child to:  Value mathematics;

become confident in one's own mathematical ability; become a mathematical problem solver; communicate mathematically; and reason mathematically. 


Language Arts

     Our Language Arts curriculum is based on a “Balanced Literacy” approach.  Balanced Literacy is thought to be the best approach to teaching reading and writing and I agree.  Balanced Literacy incorporates all reading approaches realizing students need to use multiple strategies to become proficient readers. It provides and cultivates the skills of reading, writing, thinking, speaking and listening for all students. A Balanced Literacy Program includes:

  • Modeled Reading (Reading Aloud) and Modeled Writing
  • Shared Reading and Shared Writing
  • Guided Reading and Guided Writing
  • Independent Reading and Independent Writing

Balanced Literacy also has a “Home-School Connection.”   Some helpful suggestions for parents are:

  • Read to your child as often as you can.
  • Encourage your child to join in and “read”. Point to the words as you read.
  • Draw attention to print that is in the environment. (labels, signs, etc.)
  • Read and write birthday cards, messages, grocery lists and letters together.
  • Encourage your child to find words that begin with the same letters as his/her name.
  • Ask questions before, during and after reading. (eg. “What do you think will happen next?”) Occasionally ask some “why” questions about the story.
  • When reading aloud, if your child makes a mistake, allow time for self-correction. If the mistake makes sense, ignore it.
  • Ask your child what word would make sense when she/he becomes “stuck” on a word. Encourage your child to “have-a-go”, to use the pictures, to re-read, or to sound it out. More fluent readers can “read-on”, to get the overall meaning.

Social Studies

     Social Studies at the Kindergarten level presents an introduction to the concepts of self and others; ourselves as part of a family, community and the world around us; an appreciation of the family and holiday traditions of other cultures. Social studies concepts will be integrated throughout the curriculum. To do this I follow the District Developed Curriculum. 


     Science at the Kindergarten level will introduce the student to scientific concepts by developing a positive attitude toward the world around them, and their relationship to their environment. The child will be able to focus on his/her role with others in preserving our natural resources of our world. The science curriculum will encourage integration of other appropriate subjects throughout the kindergarten program.  To do this I follow the District Developed Curriculum.