I Love Kindergarten!

KC – Watch Us Bloom!!!

      Welcome to Kindergarten at Crockett Elementary School!  Your child has been assigned to grow as a reader, writer, scientist, and mathematician in room 103 this year.  Together we will plant the seeds of learning and then watch those seeds grow and blossom, making your child an accomplished student!  You will see changes in your child’s thinking as he/she becomes familiar with abstract concepts and symbols.  The change will be dramatic – just compare a tiny seed with a full grown flower!  That’s the kind of growth you’ll see this year!  I am excited about spending the year with you and your child.  I consider us a team in getting your child off to a great start in their academic life.  I understand that you and your child may have met this year with excitement or apprehension (or a little of both) and I hope that this letter will help you know what to expect this year and answer any questions you may have. 



     I would like to take the opportunity in this letter to give you some understanding and background about your child’s teachers that I feel you need to know before the first day of school.  My name is Mrs. Leslie Horvath and I have been teaching Kindergarten for nine years at Crockett Elementary.  I take my career in education very seriously and choose to spend many hours outside the classroom preparing instructional materials and activities.  I have a strong personal philosophy of education which I will share below.  I believe that it is important to help develop each child into a strong learner.  To accomplish this goal, children need to be guided in these areas:

        Ownership:  To motivate children to feel that they are learning for themselves, not because they have to please others.

        Risk taking:  All people have different levels of risk taking willingness.  I will ensure that children have the opportunities to safely take risks as they grow to be self-starters in the learning process. 

        Flexibility:  All children are not alike.  I will have a class of individual learners.  It is important that I am always flexible with their emotional needs and intellectual growth.